Thursday, December 9, 2010

Back To The Future with Qt3D

Had a lot of help from the Qt Qt3d team and got some speed back on large scene viewing. Large scene, that's where there are a lot of objects (meshes) in the scene. The Ubook Paradise trip has a lot of objects so it has to work with enough speed to spare so that the 2d menu and combo box stuff respond without crawling. My test platform has 937 objects and before the fix, it took 10 seconds just to turn the scene.

It's a breath of fresh air and I'm back on the road to getting it done in 2011. Picking (object selection) is up again.

On another note. Why use my system to create the trip to Paradise? After all, there are a lot of systems that can do a far better job of creating the trip to Paradise, Blender, for one. The answer is this: I created the system with the capability to manipulate the environment such that when you click on Jerusem, you get information from within the book that shows Jerusem stuff. That kind of manipulability relating directly to the Ubook cant be duplicated with any of those fantastic packages. They are built to do animation for movies and the like and not to be an interactive educational system with direct database connections to the book. Also, from what I've seen, they cannot animate from events such as mouse clicks. Further, if they we're capable, they can't output that capability to the Internet. Also when on the Internet, they can't share creative experiences like interactive creation of differing scenes over the Internet.

There are, literally, hundreds of reasons why I chose to use my system. The primary being is that I could. I dream of a day when thousands of people create Ubook stuff in collaboration.. Before that can happen, I need Qt on Native Client. 2011, I hope.

I feel the drive inside pulling me towards that dream, a kind of unconscious attraction. Where it comes from, I don't know. If it doesn't happen, it won't be because I didn't try, It'll be because I have lost my ability to program. Even if all I could use is my nose, that's what I would continue to enter programming text with.

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