Sunday, February 20, 2011

Native Client

Got it now. Native Client is working and running the examples on my machine. I now have the way to get on the Internet. So here's the schedule: Get Morten's Native Client Qt sample working on the That proves that the 2d graphic part of the trip to Paradise can run and then start compiling (create an exe or nexe as Native Client calls it) using the 2d stuff in the Paradise trip, that is, the index capability of the Urantia Book and the like. Then when Google upgrades Native Client in a couple of months, put the entire 3d system up on the net. At that time, I'll only only have the raw 3d stuff working as I am still not completely converted to OpenGL ES2 but it's getting closer. Then I'll be concentrating on actually using the system for content and collaboration of content from the book.

Wow, it sure has been a long ride to get here. It's unfortunately in my nature to understimate the time it takes to make this stuff work and the trip to Paradise is no exception. Also, using the system, I will be able to hold video study groups. That's a good one as I've started my study group every Thursday now from 7pm to 9pm or until it ends Anyone wanted to attend can call me at 714 801-3059


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